Following Your Heart: Not Always So Easy

As much as I advocate for following your heart, I can’t say that it’s always easy.  In fact, it’s usually harder.  But in my experience, it’s always worth it. For example, I have chosen a lifestyle in which there is no steady paycheck.  I tried the 9-5- get-paid-every-two-weeks thing.  For a myriad of reasons, it…

They were pushed!

If you live where I do, autumn is the time of falling leaves.   But last year I found out the leaves don’t actually fall.  They’re pushed! Check out for the full story. This got me to thinking about falling vs. pushing vs. jumping.  How many times, when I ask someone how they got…


Pursuing everything that interests me can make my schedule a bit hectic sometimes.  I have a tendency to book too many things in one day.  Then,  when an unexpected situation arises for which I’d like to offer help, I find myself squeezing even more into my already full day. I was fretting over this yesterday…

On Patience

“…today we are used to thinking that there are explanations for everything. But there is no explanation for most of what goes on in our own hearts, and we cannot account for it all…But if we learn how to have a deep inner patience, things solve themselves, or God solves them if you prefer, but…

A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime

When pining over the loss of a relationship a few years ago, a dear friend told me that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime – and this most recent guy was apparently not the lifetime type. I have been thinking recently that, for a Renaissance Soul like me,…

On Doing Things Alone

Some people are shocked when they here that I go out to dinner by myself.  “Oh – I could never do that,” they say. I’m not sure why it’s never really bothered me.  As the oldest of five children, I did cherish the times I got to be alone.  Maybe I got used to it…

Benefits of not working 9-5

Warning: If you’re a 9-5 worker, you might not want to read this. I don’t work 9-5.  It’s just not my thing.  Some might miss the “benefits.”  The funny thing is, I think I have better benefits.  For example: 1 – I can get my hair cut at 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday (which I…

On Trying Something New

When is the last time you tried something new?  Was it scary or exhilarating?  Or a little of both? It’s one thing to try a new dish or a new route home.  But what about trying a new line of work?  My mother likes to remind me that near the top of the list of…

On Trying Things Out

It can happen any where, any time, any place.  I see an ad, overhear a conversation, see it in an Adult Ed magazine.  Whatever “it” is, I see it and say to myself, “I want to try that!” “Try” is the key word here.  I decided I wanted to try flying on a trapeze.  I…

On Success

Our life is full of other people’s expectations.  They start when we’re quite young.  As infants our parents expect that one day we’ll crawl…then pull ourselves up…then walk.  As we get older, we’re expected to go to school, to graduate, to get a job and be successful.  But successful by whose definition?  At what point…