The God Box

“What’s this?” I said, picking a book up from my friend Tara’s dresser. “Oh — my friend gave it to me and Russ for our engagement. I haven’t read it yet though. It’s about a woman whose mother puts her prayers in a box, and the daughter tells about finding the boxes after she dies.” I…

Control Issues

The music stopped and he let out a sigh, obviously not happy with his performance.”Have you done this before?” he asked. “No.” This was, in fact, my first-ever official waltzing lesson. “But you’ve danced before…” “Well, yes.” “I can tell,” he said. Was he complimenting me on my skills on a dance floor? My seventh-grade…

The Belief-O-Matic

The Belief-o-matic. It sounded like a new-fangled kitchen appliance I would have seen advertised on late night TV — back in 1985. I could see the greasy haired salesman on my screen telling me how simple it was to use: “Insert beliefs and in no time at all, you’ll have the perfect religion!” Click here…

Life: A Labyrinth or a Maze?

I punched a zip code into the labyrinth locater. Jackpot! The search returned two labyrinths in Asheville, North Carolina. The first was at a Catholic church, but I wasn’t ready to step foot in one of those at this point in my life. The second was an outdoor labyrinth at theUniversity of North Carolina at Asheville. It was…