The Way I See It . . . (LWM Part 5)

Michael: Is that a new necklace? Me: No, I just don’t wear it much. Michael: Oh. That’s why I haven’t seen it before. Me: You saw it this morning. Remember I asked you to help me put it on? Michael: Yeah, but that was the back of it. Me: But then I turned around and…

How We Met (The Second Time)

Michael and I met on August 12, 2012, then didn’t speak to each other for 15 months. Attempts were made but successes were few. We arranged (via to car pool to a hike but he canceled the night before. He then wrote (via Facebook) that we should get together otherwise. I told him to let…

Wicked Plants And How We Met

“Thinking about going here to celebrate our anniversary,” Michael texted me. I didn’t have time to read the rest of his message, so was left wondering what anniversary he was talking about. Up until today, we have never celebrated the anniversary of anything. Probably because we don’t even agree on when it was we actually started dating….

Next Up . . .

“I like to hire tutors as teachers,” the principal said to me. I nodded and waited for her to go on, as I still wasn’t sure why she invited me to interview for this position–one that I hadn’t applied for, nor even knew existed until I received her e-mail four days earlier. “Your educational background and…