When Worlds Collide

Michael and I arrived in Asheville 48 hours ago. And ever since then, the universe has been gently saying, “This is still your place, kid.” The morning walkers took me back into their fold like I’d never left. On that walk, I was delighted to see a new Little Free Library in the neighborhood —…

Oh, The People You’ll Meet (Part 2)

When you apply for Spain’s Non-Lucrative Visa (NLV), timing is everything: there can be no more than 90 days between the date you get your first required document and the date you present your entire portfolio of documents to the Spanish Consulate. So when my husband Michael and I our started our process in May…

Small Spain

I’ve always liked small things and small spaces. I remember when Mom would kick us out of the house as children: I would just grab a few of books and head out to read under the picnic table. I remember spending lots of time in a two person pup tent with my next-door neighbor. You…